PeNN's VioleNce PreveNtion "ONe EveNiNg"
PeNN's VioleNce PreveNtion "ONe EveNiNg"
Getting students to have honest conversations about sexual assault by engaging them in the topic and waking up the active bystander in all of them.
The challenge
Today many young adults already recognize sexual assault as horrible but find it difficult to engage with the topic. That’s because sexual assault communication is often extreme, violent and accusatory. People want to talk about the topic but are afraid to share their opinion.
We produced a short film that tells a neutral story of the many forms sexual assault can take on in just one evening and put the bystanders as the main protagonists. The final short film didn’t focus on who’s to blame, but rather it highlighted if and how one can act to combat the issue.
A clean introductory video presenting how simple it is to become a Curaleaf patient.
project stills
#strategy #creative #writing #production #post
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